Usage: For potatoes, add to the soil before sowing
Opis in značilnosti izdelka: Potatoes are one of the most profitable crops, but during production they require a lot of work and attention in all components and cycles - from agricultural technology, to seeds, selection of fertilizers and necessary trace elements. The complex natural soil additive Extra is available for the cultivation of highly productive potato varieties that come on the market as a final product or are further used in other production lines. Extra granules can be used alone or in combination with other organic and mineral fertilizers. Its composition contains the required minimum of bound nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and a large number of macro and micro elements, from amorphous silicon to rare trace elements. In addition, Extra granules contain many natural growth promoters and amino acids that increase nutrient absorption efficiency, activate the growth of potato tubers and increase yields by up to 30%. The use of Extra granules also enables the binding of heavy metals in the soil. In addition, Extra granules increase soil fertility and restore the humus layer and useful microflora. The greatest demand for further processing is for potatoes with a high dry matter. It has been found that about 30% of the moisture supply during the growing season comes from dry matter. At this point, we want to emphasize the ability of granules to retain water. Extra granules, which are present in the area of plant roots, retain moisture for a long time and supply potatoes evenly with water. And because of this, water consumption can be reduced by half or more. Before planting potatoes, 30- 60 kg of Extra granules should be applied to 1 ha of the field. When planting, the granules are placed under the potato tuber. This achieves the maximum effect of (organic) fertilization for potato growth and ensures an uninterrupted water supply.
1. Biologically pure soil additive Extra from natural ingredients is an ecologically harmless product;
2. Its composition contains the required minimum of bound nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and a large number of macro and micro elements such as amorphous silicon;
3. Contains many natural growth promoters and amino acids that increase nutrient absorption, activate the growth of potato tubers and increase yields by up to 30%;
4. The use of granules allows the binding of heavy metals in the soil;
5: Granules increase soil fertility and restore the humus layer and useful microflora;
6. The granules retain water and, if present in the area of the potato roots, retain moisture for a long time and supply the potatoes evenly with water.
1. When watering, the product is not removed from the soil and remains in the top layer of soil after sowing. This means that all elements and growth regulators are available for crops. With traditional fertilizers, the losses are about 70%.
2. The supply of cultivated plants with nutrients throughout the vegetation period and earlier ripening of fruits by depositing moisture and trace elements on the roots of the plant is ensured.
3. Acidic and loamy soils are enriched with oxygen.
4. The product binds heavy metals and prevents them from being absorbed by plants.
Basic Ingredients: tripolite, urea, swamp peat, water
Other Ingredients: Nitrogen 0.5%, potassium in the form of K2O 1.0%, magnesium MgO 1.1%, calcium in the form of CaO 5.1%, contains humic acids
Consumption: Before planting potatoes, it is necessary to apply 30-60 kg of Extra granules per 1 ha of field (for machine or manual application).
Best before: 3 years from the date of manufacture, indicated on the packaging